When rowing shells swamp, capsize, collide with objects in the water or other boats, and when rowers fall out of boats, rowers have to be rescued (or assisted getting out of the water or back in their boats). In warm, quiet water without wind, waves, or injuries to worry about, this can be relatively simple. In cold water it can be more difficult and should always be considered a potentially life-threatening situation.
Capsize and recovery drills should always be practiced by rowers and teams in warm water. In a US Marine inquest into the deaths of several Marines in a cold water accident the Marine Corps spokesman was asked if they soldiers had practiced recovery procedures in cold water: he said they had not because it was too dangerous!
The Rowing Rescue & Emergency Handbook is a quick reference guide to rowing rescue and first aid. It is available in two formats: 3 x 6 accordion-fold printed on waterproof paper for use in first aid kits, and a laminated 11 x 17″ poster for placement in the boathouse. We request donations to cover the costs of printing and mailing.
> 3 x 6 Handbooks: 2 copies $2.25 // 5 copies $5.00 // 12 copies $10.00
Requests and Donations should be sent to RowSafeUSA, PO Box 4046, Ithaca NY 14852.

© 2021 RowSafeUSA.Org